Brezplačna dostava pri nakupih nad 40,00 € za člane Didaktinega kluba, oz. nad 100 EUR za nečlane.

Brezplačna dostava pri nakupih nad 40,00 € za člane Didaktinega kluba, oz. nad 100 EUR za nečlane.


Piran: Stories and Legends

Seven interesting stories which will take you through the rich history of Piran. Listen to them closely, enjoy them and perhaps you will find your own story there …

Didakta dostava
Na zalogiDostavimo v 2 delovnih dneh.

Izvirna cena je bila: 19,99 €.Trenutna cena je: 14,99 €.

Število strani:
Dimenzije (š x v):
23 x 16.5 cm

Pri nakupu treh knjig s to oznako, vam najcenejšo podarimo.


One must fall in love with Piran slowly.
At first, this feels like an adoring love at first sight from a distance: a cluster of houses, jutting into the sea at the tip of the land and protected by the majestic St. George on the hill above. For centuries, the narrow cobblestone streets have been bustling with people following their own paths. Sometimes, these people furiously frown in disappointment while they generously scatter their bold plans and enthusiastically look forward at other occasions. And when the blazing sun sinks into the sea at the end of the day, there is more beauty for everyone. These experiences then develop into stories, some of which mature into legends that travel through time and connect us. We have slowly and fatally fallen in love with Piran. In it, we have found our second home and Mediterranean gene. We thrive on its stories. This is what our book is about.

– Barbara Habič and Slavko Pregl 


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Bodi prvi ocenjevalec “Piran: Stories and Legends”

Slane zgodbe so literarni prvenec Andreja Trefalta, strastnega morjeplovca, ki je kljub mišični distrofiji pol življenja preživel na morju. Avtor vas v zbirki triintridesetih zgodb popelje skozi več kot štirideset let pustolovskih dogodivščin in občasnih katastrof.

3 za 2
Dimenzije (š x v):
150 x 215 cm

Slane zgodbe

Izvirna cena je bila: 24,99 €.Trenutna cena je: 19,99 €.

Razkošna darilna fotomonografija izpod peresa in fotografskega objektiva Arneja Hodaliča, svetovnega popotnika, publicista in enega najboljših fotografov. Knjiga je na voljo v francoskem jeziku.

Dimenzije (š x v):
24.5 x 30.5 cm

Voyage au delà du miroir imaginaire


Komplet knjig za vse ljubitelje morja in plovbe: Navtični priročnik, nova izdaja avtorja Igorja Orlova in knjiga Mayday – izbor jadralskih nesreč, ki jih je zbral in pripravil Jože Mušič, prvi Slovenec, ki je objadral svet.

Dimenzije (š x v):
20 x 27 cm

Navtični priročnik in Mayday

Izvirna cena je bila: 54,98 €.Trenutna cena je: 39,99 €.

Knjiga, ki odstira tisočletno zgodovino ter kulturno in naravno dediščino tega slovenskega naravnega in turističnega bisera.

Dimenzije (š x v):
20 x 27.5 cm

Bled 1000 Years


A Treasury of Slovenian Folklore. Here are presented traditional stories, handed down orally from generation to generation, which helped our ancestors to better understand the world, to learn what is good and right, dangerous or bad, and how to behave in nature and society. 101 folk tales from Slovenia.

Dimenzije (š x v):
185 x 250 cm

101 Folk Tales from Slovenia (1)
